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How to Know When it’s Time to Move On

It isn’t always easy to know if you should stay in the job you have or look for a new opportunity. There are many factors to consider, including compensation, job satisfaction, mental health, and potential for career advancement. Below are ways to know when it’s time to move on.

You Are Unhappy

The simplest way to assess if a job is right for you is to reflect on your emotional state. If you wake up every morning dreading the workday ahead of you, it doesn’t matter how much money you’re making. Your health isn’t worth risking for a job. Working in a toxic environment that makes you miserable can also have negative effects on your personal life. For long term success, it’s important to have a job that you enjoy and gives you a sense of purpose.

The Company Isn’t Going in a Good Direction

Another thing to consider is the state of the company you work for. Have there been a lot of changes to the staff? Maybe there has been some negative media coverage in recent months, or you have noticed the organization has started to cut corners. You can’t always tell if a company is headed for a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy, but if the signs of growth aren’t there, it’s time to consider moving on. You want to work for a company that has clear signs of success and growth.

You’re Not Advancing

Do you feel like you aren’t learning any new skills or the work you perform is no longer a challenge? Have you stopped getting raises or doubt whether you will receive a promotion in the future? If you don’t feel like there is room for you to advance in the organization, you’re probably not in the right position. It is especially worrisome if your managers seem distant towards you. Don’t want to wait to be fired or for your job to become obsolete to start looking for a new role.

You Don’t Feel Useful

Companies sometimes hire for a role they don’t clearly understand. They believe a role involves certain skills or tasks, but the reality of the job may look much different than their expectations. This is because managers don’t necessary get to observe the day-to-day job of their employees. If you enter a job expecting to be able to use certain skills only to find that none of those skills are actually being applied, you might want to move on and find a job that is a better fit for you.

Professionals are often reluctant to move on from a job because they worry about money or job security. However, sometimes moving on is your best option. If your work makes you miserable, the work becomes boring, or you feel like you aren’t learning new skills or using those you have, it’s probably time to start looking for your next opportunity.

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