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Best Practices for Managing Virtual Meetings

Managing virtual meetings in the C-suite can come with some unexpected obstacles, especially if you are managing a team that isn’t used to working remotely. However, when done properly virtual meetings are an effective way for companies to encourage communication and collaboration. Here are some tips for managing virtual meetings.

Find the Right Platform

First, be sure to find the right platform that suits your needs to host your virtual meeting. Popular platforms include Skype, GoToMeeting, and Zoom. Consider the size of your team, cost, and the functionality that each platform provides. For example, some platforms allow for polls, screensharing, and captions. Depending on the needs of your company, you may choose to have more than one platform at your disposal, or you can find one platform that meets all your requirements.

Test the Technology in Advance

Before the start of each meeting, test all of your technology 15-30 minutes before the start of the meeting. If you have to spend the beginning of a meeting dealing with technical difficulties, your team members will likely feel frustrated and like their time has been wasted. Make sure the team all has the proper software installed and has fully functional microphones. Talk to your employees and make sure they understand how the platform works. You want everyone to feel comfortable with the technology during the meeting.

Provide Your Team with an Agenda

One way to ensure a virtual meeting is effective is to set clear expectations from the beginning. Send each participant a detailed agenda for the meeting. Everyone should know in advance what topics will be discussed and what the objective of the meeting is. This way everyone can come to the meeting prepared with talking points. When you have a set agenda, it becomes easier for team members to participate and the meeting will have more engagement.

Include an Icebreaker

Not everyone is going to be as comfortable in a virtual meeting as they would be in a face-to-face meeting. Using an icebreaker or other social activity can help ease people into the meeting’s agenda. In addition, many people are feeling alienated right now. Allowing a short period of time for some basic social interaction can help employees feel more connected.

Virtual meetings are becoming more and more common in the field of C-suite support. While it takes time to adjust to virtual meetings, communication and preparation can make a big difference. Setting clear expectations, making sure everyone is on the same page with technology, and encouraging social engagement can help virtual meetings run smoothly.


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