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Advantages of Hiring Temporary and Contract Workers

The pandemic has affected all facets of the economy, including C-level support. As companies continue to adjust to the changing economic climate, many are looking to hire temporary and contract employees as a solution. Below are some of the advantages of hiring temporary and contract workers.

Immediate Availability

Hiring full-time employees can be a lengthy, time-consuming process. Many candidates out there are also passive candidates, so connecting with them and marketing an opportunity to them does not happen all at once. With temporary and contractor workers, the talent is ready to work now. The immediate availability that comes with temporary employees allows businesses to adapt quickly to changes in workload. This gives companies a level of resilience to face an evolving economy.

Health Benefits

One advantage of hiring a contract employee through a recruiting firm is that the firm will likely offer health benefits to the employee starting on day one. When finances are tighter than usual, this can be an opportunity to save some money on employee expenses.

Less Risk

It is generally much less risky for businesses to hire temp workers compared to full-time permanent employees. Usually, the recruiting firm incurs all liability associated with onboarding temporary employees, including health benefits, workers comp, payroll costs, California and San Francisco taxes, and liability insurance.

Various Contract Options

The versatility of contract options is another advantage. Contract workers can fill in for employees when they go on vacation, for example. Contracts can also cover multi-week projects, parental leaves, and medical leaves. There is also the temporary to permanent route. Contracts allow both the client and the candidate to test the waters so they can figure out if they are a good fit for each other before making any kind of long-term commitment.

Different Levels of Talent

With contract workers, you have access to a variety of talent levels. The candidate pool ranges from entry-level receptionists to high-level executive assistants. Companies will also be able to find temporary employment for every administrative role in between. This flexibility makes hiring contract and temporary employees a great option for businesses right now.

In the field of C-level support, hiring temporary and contract workers can be a smart way to save money and meet hiring needs. With various contract options and levels of talent, employing on contract offers a lot of flexibility for companies. Temporary employees also present less of a risk to businesses and allow for companies to make quick hires when time is of the essence.

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