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How to Outsmart Your Job-Seeking Competitors

Job hunting in the area of C-Suite support can be challenging. The employment market is more competitive than ever before, and expectations are high. If you want to land the job that is right for you, you need to set yourself apart from the rest and make sure employers take notice of you. Here’s how to outsmart your job-seeking competitors.

Make Your Resume Stand Out

Given the number of resumes hiring managers read, it’s important to find ways to make your resume unique. When they get to the end of a pile, you want your resume to be the one they remember. First, design a resume that is eye-catching. Second, tailor the resume to the specific job for which you are applying. So many candidates submit generic resumes without taking the time to customize them to the role. Don’t make that mistake. Your resume should tell a story and showcase quantifiable ways your skills can benefit the employer.

Nail the First Impression

Managers make dozens of decisions and assumptions about you within the first minute of meeting you. You need to think about how you present yourself. Not only do you need to dress the part, you also need to have the right posture and attitude. Although entirely unfair, women are even more likely to be judged on appearances. In any case, you want people to see you and immediately think you’re professional, serious, and confident. If you show up late with your shoulders slumped, the employer will have a hard time envisioning you as a member of their team.

Think About the Questions You Ask

Don’t focus questions on pay, benefits, perks, etc. Ask questions that show you are genuinely interested in the company and want to bring value to the employer. Your questions should focus on company culture, company objectives, desired leadership qualities, career development, and performance expectations. If you focus on how the job will benefit you, the employer may question your motives.

Follow Up

Many of your job-seeking competitors will follow-up with the hiring manager after the interview by sending an email. You can help yourself standout by sending a handwritten note instead. A handwritten thank you note will feel more personal, while also sending a clear message to employers that you want the job. Plus, handwritten follow-ups are more memorable and will help you improve the overall impression the hiring manager has of you.

In a competitive job market, your goal should be to stand out from your job-seeking competitors. Make your resume memorable, your first impression positive, and intentions clear. You want the employer to know you are serious about working for them and that you have skills and qualities that will provide real value to the organization.

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