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Top 7 Podcasts to Start Your Year Off Right

By January 29, 2020Career Guidance

January is the time for a fresh start. It’s the time we put the baggage from the previous year behind us and focus on what we can do to improve. These seven podcasts will help you stay focused and inspired in 2020 so you can start the new year off right.

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations

In Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, Oprah interviews thought leaders, health professionals, prominent writers, and celebrities about topics that focus on being your best self. She discusses everything from forgiveness to the importance of keeping a positive mindset. Some of her guests include Cheryl Strayed, Dr. Phil, Michelle Obama, and Wes Moore.

How I Built This

How I Built This by NPR tells the story of some of the most successful companies in the world and how they became household names. The episodes centered on Airbnb founder, Joe Gebbia, are particularly insightful. He discusses how a simple idea to help himself pay rent led to a multibillion-dollar empire.

The Tim Ferris Show

The Tim Ferris Show is one of the top business podcasts in the world. Some of his guests include Neil Gaiman, LeBron James, Tony Robbins, and Reid Hoffman. In each episode, Tim Ferris analyzes a successful performer in areas including business, sports, and investing, and figures out the tools and tactics each guest used to fuel their success. He discusses topics like morning routines, time management, diet and exercise routines, and more.

Work Life

Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist. His podcast, Work Life, discusses the science of how the mind has the ability to make work enjoyable even if it isn’t your dream job, focuses on topics such as valuing feedback and turning work frustration into a source of positive energy.

Meaningful Conversations

Meaningful Conversations with Maria Shriver teaches how to use self-reflection to find meaning in life and relationships. To be your best self you have to be able to connect with the people around you.

On Purpose

On Purpose with Jay Shetty is another popular inspirational podcast. Shetty is a monk turned content creator who shares the wisdom he has gathered conversing with the people around him. He discusses topics such as making better decisions, goal setting, and how to be more present.

A Better You

A Better You by Guy Raz focuses on self-improvement. Part of the Ted Radio Hour show Raz did on NPR, he discusses how self-improvement is easy to start but hard to follow through on. He touches on the importance of embracing rejection, how to overcome fear, and more.

As the new year kicks off, many of us want to focus on improving ourselves. These podcasts will help you jump start your resolutions for 2020. Following through on your goals can help you find fulfillment in your professional and personal lives.

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