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How to Track Individual Employee Performance on a Regular Basis

By October 16, 2019Leadership, Training

To be an effective leader, it’s essential to have one-on-one meetings to track individual employee performance on a regular basis. Monitoring performance is important because it allows you to spot problems and fix them right away and ensures that everyone is doing their part to further the success of the company.

Make the Time for Regular One-on-Ones

One of the biggest obstacles to observing productivity is finding the time. Many leaders feel like they don’t have enough time to track individual employee performance on a regular basis. How much time does it take? A good rule of thumb is to devote an hour each day to managing your team. Most meetings will take about 15 minutes. More time might be needed for newer employees. An hour a day might seem like a lot, but if you prioritize your schedule, it is possible for most managers to make room for one-on-one meetings. Think about your daily tasks. What activities do you spend too much time on? What tasks are unnecessary? What tasks can be delegated to your team members? These questions will help you organize your schedule and find time to conduct regular one-on-one meetings. Once meetings are scheduled, don’t be tempted to cancel or delay them. What makes them truly effective is their regularity and consistency.

What Should You Accomplish in Your One-on-Ones?

Meetings will have different objectives, depending on the team member and their role. Yet, there are some common goals for all one-on-one meetings. First, identify any problems that need to be solved. Ask the employee if they are having any problems. This may be a good opportunity to probe deeper because there are often problems hiding beneath the surface. Next, see if there is anything you can do to help improve their performance. Do they need a specific resource or tool they don’t currently have access to? Are there goals or aspects of their role they need clarification on? Finally, ask for a general update. What has changed since the last time you had a one-on-one with them? Other goals and topics for the meeting will depend on the individual employee, and questions should be customized.

Details and Clear Steps

During the meeting, don’t concentrate on the general feelings you have about their performance. Focus instead on specific instances that highlight the highs and lows of their performance and describe these incidents in detail. This will help the employee understanding where they excel and where they need improvement. Once you and the employee are on the same page, you can now work closely with them to come up with an action plan. You want to give them clear steps they can take to improve their performance.

Taking the lead to track individual performance regularly will help your executive assistant help you more effectively. The first step is to make the time for consistent one-on-one meetings. Then, focus on identifying problems and coming up with solutions that work for both you and your employee.

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