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Improving Business Etiquette to Advance Your Career

Business etiquette helps you build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients, while allowing you to present yourself in a professional, authoritative manner. Having the ability to consistently create a great first impression can help you get ahead in the world of executive support. Below are some tips for improving business etiquette to advance your career.

Treat People Respectfully

The most personal aspect of business etiquette is the way you treat others. For example, it’s important to learn the names of new clients and colleagues quickly. It’s also essential to show respect to everyone in the workplace regardless of their position and be aware of people’s boundaries. Learn to acknowledge any personal biases you have and make sure you don’t let them influence the way you speak to and act towards clients and coworkers.

Communicate Professionally

The way you communicate affects how other people in the workplace view you. You want to show others that you are serious about your work. This is why it is important to communicate in a professional manner. For example, you shouldn’t go longer than a day before returning a work call or email. Emails and other written communication should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Also avoid overusing all caps, italics, and other style choices that can come across as rude.

Meeting Etiquette

While many people dread meetings, it is imperative you continue to show respect during meetings and conferences. Meeting etiquette means arriving on time, keeping your phone out of sight unless you specifically need it for the purpose of the meeting, and actively participating in conversations. Even if you’re bored, you should do your best to always stay engaged and take notes when necessary.

Think About How You Represent the Company

The way you present yourself in person and online reflects on your employer. No matter the dress code at your office, you should dress professionally, especially if you are meeting with a client. Also keep your social media pages fairly professional. You certainly don’t want to say anything negative about the company, its employees, or its clients. You should also avoid controversial posts, posts that reference illicit activities, or anything else that could put into question your values or the values of your company.

Improving business etiquette can advance your career by helping to improve your network, as well as your reputation. It is important to treat everyone with respect and always present yourself in the best light possible.


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One Comment

  • It’s an amazing feeling while reading articles related to etiquette and manners whether they are business, dining or kids. I am working in “The British School of Etiquette” where we meet so many people and try to teach them the best etiquette of life that can help them in future.