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How to Work with a Search Consultant Effectively

By August 21, 2019August 23rd, 2019Career Guidance

When considering a job in C-level support, it is beneficial to know how to work with a search consultant effectively. Partnering with a placement firm can open the door to sought-after opportunities, but only if the partnership is approached strategically. Below are tips for working with a search consultant to maximize chances of landing a key support position.

Share as Much Information as Possible

The quality and frequency of communication largely determines how effective the relationship between job seeker and placement professional will be. Sharing likes and dislikes about past and present jobs, career growth goals, current function and compensation, and preferred change in those areas are all important for a search consultant to know. This information will guide the search for a career that’s the ideal fit for both company and employee.

Direct and Clear Communication

For a partnership to run smoothly, it’s essential to have clear and timely communication. Prompt responses within 24 hours and immediate feedback following an interview allow a search consultant to adjust the strategy for a more tailored fit. The more a recruiter knows about the perceived benefits and drawbacks of a company, the easier it will be to find an opportunity that meets all needs.

Be Smart about Online Presence

When working with a placement professional, social media accounts should be set to private. Employers look closely at candidates’ posts. Anything that could possibly be considered oversharing, inappropriate, or rude could cost someone a job opportunity. In general, avoid anything that could potentially harm the first impression of a potential employer.

Ask for Constructive Feedback

Search consultants have seen countless resumes and applications during their careers. They also have a deep understanding of effective interview preparation and follow through. Job seekers should ask for feedback in any area they want clarification or improvement. The recruiter can review a resume for ways to improve the content and format, practice interviewing skills, and assess ways to improve.

Working with a search consultant is an excellent way to land an executive support position in line with personal career goals. To make the most of this partnership, candidates should take advantage of their experience, communicate objectives clearly, and share as much information possible about current roles and responsibilities.

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