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Executive Assistant

Role of Executive Assistant Recruiters

The Role of Executive Assistant Recruiters in Shaping Corporate Leadership

By Executive Assistant

Have you ever heard the saying, “Behind every great leader, there is a great assistant”? Executive assistant recruiters embody this sentiment by meticulously selecting qualified individuals aligned with the organization’s ethos. Their role in shaping corporate leadership goes beyond just filling positions; they are architects of success, strategically placing the right people in the right roles. Are you curious to discover how these professionals influence the trajectory of companies and mold future leaders?

1. Identifying Top Talent

To effectively identify top talent for executive assistant roles, recruiters strategically leverage industry networks and recruitment platforms to source high-caliber candidates who align with organizational values and possess the necessary skills and experience. Executive assistant recruiters are vital in filling organizational leadership positions by utilizing targeted strategies to assess candidates based on specific criteria. They conduct behavioral interviews and assessments to evaluate the potential of candidates to excel in supporting senior leadership. By focusing on criteria assessment, recruiters ensure that the individuals selected for executive assistant roles have the capabilities to thrive in these demanding positions.

Successful executive assistant recruiters possess a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the unique demands of the role in shaping corporate leadership. They are crucial in ensuring the right individuals are in key support roles to drive the organization’s success. Through their expertise in sourcing and screening candidates, recruiters contribute significantly to the composition and effectiveness of the leadership team.

2. Aligning With Company Values

Aligning candidate values with company values is a critical focus for executive assistant recruiters to ensure a strong cultural fit within the organization. Executive assistant recruiters play a pivotal role in sourcing candidates who meet the job requirements and resonate with the organization’s mission, vision, and core values. By assessing candidates based on their alignment with the company’s culture and leadership expectations, recruiters enhance team dynamics and contribute to a positive work environment. Prioritizing candidates who embody the company’s ethos and leadership style is essential for fostering a cohesive and productive team. When executive assistant recruiters successfully match candidates with the right cultural fit, it not only strengthens the organization’s values but also contributes to the overall effectiveness of the leadership team. Therefore, aligning candidate values with company values is key for executive assistant recruiters in ensuring a harmonious and successful work environment.

3. Shaping Leadership Team Composition

In shaping the composition of the leadership team, executive assistant recruiters strategically focus on identifying and selecting candidates who can contribute effectively to diverse leadership structures. These recruiters ensure the leadership team comprises individuals with the right skills, experience, and cultural fit. Recruiting candidates who align with the organization’s values and can bring unique perspectives to the team, recruiters help create a dynamic and high-performing leadership group. They aim to establish a balanced team to drive organizational success through collaboration and innovation.

Executive assistant recruiters understand the importance of having a leadership team that represents a variety of expertise and strengths. By carefully selecting candidates who complement each other and the organization’s objectives, recruiters contribute to the overall effectiveness and cohesiveness of the team. Through strategic recruitment efforts, executive assistant recruiters shape the leadership team’s composition to ensure it is well-equipped to navigate challenges and lead the organization toward growth and prosperity.

4. Sourcing and Screening Candidates

Executive assistant recruiters meticulously source and screen candidates with specific skill sets tailored to support corporate leadership effectively. In this process, recruiters focus on key aspects to ensure they find the best candidates for executive assistant roles:

  • Skill Sets: Recruiters seek candidates with strong communication, organization, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Experience: Candidates are screened based on their experience supporting senior executives, managing complex calendars, and handling confidential information.
  • Adaptability: Recruiters assess candidates for their ability to adapt, make decisions under pressure, and anticipate the needs of executives.
  • Gatekeeping Skills: Candidates are evaluated for their proficiency in filtering information, managing priorities, and maintaining confidentiality.

5. Matching Skills and Experience

To ensure a seamless fit between candidates and the requirements of leadership positions, executive assistant recruiters meticulously analyze resumes and conduct thorough interviews to assess candidates’ abilities and qualifications. Matching skills and experience is a critical aspect of the executive assistant role, as these professionals play a vital role in supporting organizational success. Recruiters evaluate candidates’ communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills to ensure they are well-suited for leadership positions. Additionally, they consider candidates’ experience in managing high-pressure situations and handling confidential information, which are essential for effective leadership support. By carefully aligning candidates’ capabilities with the demands of the executive assistant role, recruiters facilitate the identification of individuals who can effectively enhance the leadership team. This strategic approach not only ensures a strong match between candidates and leadership positions but also contributes to the organization’s overall success.

6. Supporting Organizational Success

Supporting the organization’s success requires a keen understanding of the strategic alignment between executive assistant roles and corporate objectives. Executive assistant recruiters are pivotal in ensuring the right individuals are in place to drive organizational success. Here are key ways they contribute:

  • Identifying Top Talent: Recruiters focus on finding candidates with the necessary skills, experience, and personality fit for executive assistant roles.
  • Shaping Corporate Leadership: By sourcing candidates who can effectively support and enhance the performance of executives, recruiters help build strong leadership teams.
  • Enabling Senior Executives: Thorough screening processes ensure that only the most qualified candidates are presented for executive assistant positions.
  • Enhancing Organizational Performance: Recruiters play a crucial role in selecting candidates who can support and enable senior executives, ultimately contributing to the organization’s overall success.

7. Driving Leadership Effectiveness

Driving leadership effectiveness requires a strategic approach to talent assessment and alignment with organizational goals. Executive assistant recruiters are crucial in evaluating leadership potential through meticulous candidate assessments. By collaborating closely with hiring managers, recruiters ensure that the leadership requirements align with candidate profiles, facilitating an optimal fit. Through in-depth interviews, recruiters gauge candidates’ strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, and adaptability, essential traits for effective leadership. Moreover, executive assistant recruiters contribute to shaping corporate leadership by actively sourcing talent from diverse pools and fostering inclusive leadership teams. Their targeted recruitment strategies drive leadership effectiveness by placing top talent in key leadership roles. By focusing on identifying and placing candidates with the right skills, experience, and cultural alignment, executive assistant recruiters play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall effectiveness of corporate leadership teams.


In conclusion, executive assistant recruiters play a vital role in shaping corporate leadership by identifying top talent, aligning with company values, and strategically shaping the composition of the leadership team. Their expertise in sourcing, screening, and matching candidates ensures that the right individuals are in place to drive organizational success. With their ability to support and enhance leadership dynamics, these recruiters truly are the driving force behind building a strong and effective leadership team. Remember, the proof is in the pudding.


executive assistant recruiter

Why Companies Rely on Executive Assistant Recruiters for Their Hiring Needs

By Executive Assistant

When seeking to fill crucial executive assistant roles within your organization, turning to executive assistant recruiters is essential for achieving your hiring goals. The expertise and network these recruiters offer can significantly impact the quality of candidates you attract, but there’s more to this partnership than just finding suitable matches. By collaborating with executive assistant recruiters, you tap into many benefits beyond traditional recruitment processes. Whether it’s about streamlining your hiring process or ensuring long-term success, the advantages of relying on these specialized professionals are worth exploring.

Importance of Hiring the Right Executive Assistant

When seeking organizational success, securing the right executive assistant is paramount for enhancing productivity and efficiency within the company’s operations. Hiring the ideal executive assistant is a strategic decision that can profoundly impact the organization’s overall performance. Executive assistants support top-level executives and managers, handle crucial administrative tasks, and liaise between different departments. By recruiting a competent executive assistant through specialized executive assistant recruiters, companies ensure that they have an individual with the necessary skills, such as strong communication, organization, and problem-solving abilities, to streamline processes effectively.

Furthermore, having the right executive assistant can improve efficiency and time management and enhance decision-making capabilities, ultimately contributing to the company’s success. These professionals are instrumental in maintaining smooth operations, allowing executives to focus on critical tasks and strategic initiatives. Therefore, investing in hiring the right executive assistant is essential for fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.

Benefits of Using Executive Assistant Recruiters

Securing the right executive assistant through specialized recruiters not only enhances organizational efficiency but also ensures a strategic alignment of skills and qualities crucial for executive assistant roles at the highest levels of the company. Executive assistant recruiters are equipped with a deep understanding of the key qualities required for the role, enabling them to identify the best executive assistants with essential attributes like business acumen and emotional intelligence. By leveraging the expertise of these recruiters, companies can streamline the hiring process, saving valuable time and resources. Additionally, executive assistant recruiters have access to a network of top-tier candidates who may not actively seek job opportunities, expanding the talent pool for companies seeking the most qualified individuals. Through assistant recruiting specialists, organizations can secure candidates who not only meet the technical requirements of the assistant job but also align culturally with the company, ultimately leading to successful and lasting placements.

Access to a Pool of Qualified Candidates

Accessing a pre-vetted pool of qualified candidates, executive assistant recruiters offer companies a strategic advantage in identifying the right executive assistant with specialized skills and proven track records. This access streamlines the hiring process, ensuring companies can quickly hire an executive assistant who meets their needs. By relying on recruiters, companies eliminate the time-consuming task of sifting through numerous applications and conducting extensive interviews. Recruiters specialize in understanding the unique requirements of executive assistant roles and can efficiently match companies with candidates with the necessary expertise. This targeted approach saves time and increases the likelihood of hiring a top-tier executive assistant who can make an immediate impact. With recruiters maintaining connections in the industry, they can swiftly source diverse candidates, providing companies with a selection of highly qualified individuals. Trusting in executive assistant recruiters’ expertise can lead to finding the perfect fit for your executive assistant needs.

Expertise in C-Suite Requirements

With a deep understanding of the demands and intricacies of C-Suite roles, executive assistant recruiters excel in identifying candidates who possess the essential skills and experience required for supporting top-level executives effectively. Their expertise in C-Suite requirements enables them to seamlessly integrate candidates into the executive team, ultimately contributing to organizational success. Here are three key aspects where executive assistant recruiters showcase their proficiency:

  1. Specialization in High-Level Tasks: Executive assistant recruiters focus on finding candidates who can handle sensitive information, manage high-level tasks efficiently, and support top executives with professionalism and discretion.
  2. Understanding of Executive Team Dynamics: By grasping the dynamic environments in which C-Suite executives operate, executive assistant recruiters can pinpoint candidates who align with the team’s culture, values, and strategic objectives.
  3. Contribution to Organizational Success: Through their tailored approach to recruiting for C-Suite roles, executive assistant recruiters are vital in delivering top-tier candidates who meet the specific demands of high-level positions, ultimately enhancing organizational success.

Efficient Delivery of Expected Results

Efficiently delivering the expected results is a hallmark of executive assistant recruiters specializing in high-level executive assistant roles. These recruiters possess a specialized approach tailored to the unique demands of executive assistant positions within companies. By honing in on the specific requirements of executive support roles, they can efficiently match top talent to the needs of their clients. This targeted methodology ensures a higher success rate in placing candidates who can meet and exceed the company’s expectations. Companies rely on these executive assistant recruiters for their hiring needs because of their proven track record in streamlining the recruitment process and securing the right fit for critical executive support roles. By leveraging the expertise and networks of these recruiters, companies can optimize their hiring strategies to achieve efficient and effective results in identifying top talent for their executive assistant positions.

Time-Saving Investment in Finding the Right Fit

By leveraging the expertise of executive assistant recruiters specializing in high-level placements, companies can make a time-saving investment in finding the right fit for critical executive assistant roles. This strategic approach not only streamlines the hiring process but also ensures that the selected candidate is well-suited for the demands of the position. Here are three key benefits of relying on executive assistant recruiters for your hiring needs:

  1. Efficient Screening Process: Recruiters have the experience and tools to quickly assess candidate qualifications, saving your company valuable time sorting through numerous applications.
  2. Tailored Candidate Selection: Focusing on finding the right fit for executive assistant positions, recruiters can pinpoint candidates with the specific skills and attributes required for success in these roles.
  3. Faster Placement: By tapping into the recruiters’ networks and resources, companies can efficiently expedite the hiring process and secure top talent for their executive assistant positions.

Investing in executive assistant recruiters saves time and ensures that your organization finds the perfect match for these critical roles.

Impact on Company Success

Executive assistant recruiters are pivotal in identifying top talent crucial for supporting company executives effectively and driving organizational success. By leveraging the expertise of executive assistant recruiters, companies can ensure that they hire skilled professionals who possess the necessary qualities to contribute to the company’s achievements. These recruiters play a key role in the hiring process by sourcing candidates with the specific skills and experience required to enhance the organization’s productivity, efficiency, and decision-making processes. Through their understanding of the unique demands of executive roles, executive assistant recruiters help companies secure top-notch support for key stakeholders, ultimately leading to long-term benefits and organizational success. Partnering with executive assistant recruiters streamlines the recruitment process and ensures that the company has the right individuals to support key executives and drive the company toward its strategic goals.


In conclusion, relying on executive assistant recruiters for your hiring needs is a strategic investment in your company’s success. With their expertise in identifying top talent and understanding C-Suite requirements, they can efficiently deliver the perfect fit for your organization. By saving you time and ensuring a seamless match, executive assistant recruiters play a crucial role in propelling your company toward excellence. So, why settle for anything less than the best when you can have expert guidance at your fingertips?


Executive Assistant

Networking Tips for Executive Assistants and Administrative Professionals

By Executive Assistant

Networking is a great way to meet professionals from different fields and areas of expertise. According to LinkedIn, 70 percent of people are hired through a connection. Almost 80 percent of professionals consider networking an essential factor in their career success.

As an existing or aspiring executive professional, networking can help you expand your circle and expose you to opportunities that can further your career.

Where Can You Find Networking Groups/Events?

The traditional form of networking involves attending a conference or a business event. However, today the concept of networking has expanded to other mediums. Most social media sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram) promote online events and webinars that offer opportunities for people to network and expand their circle.

While it can be hard to mingle with a group of strangers, you can reap many benefits once you overcome that initial hesitation. Here are some tips you can use at the next networking event.

Be Yourself

People can see when you are being forceful or trying to be someone you are not. Be your authentic, confident self!

Prepare an Elevator Pitch

The elevator pitch is like a mini overview of your professional accomplishments. It is typically a 30-second pitch that you deliver when meeting new people. The idea of an elevator pitch is to quickly tell someone about yourself and make a good first impression. It is also a great icebreaker as it can give people a topic to talk about. Someone you meet at a networking event may be a C-suite level executive looking to hire an executive assistant. Your pitch can be your first selling point.

Go With a Give-and-Take Mentality

Networking isn’t about finding people who can place you at their companies. Instead, it is about building mutual connections. Share your background, interests, and career aspirations with people and show interest in their careers. Offer help if they need it.

Share Contact Details

If you have met someone who can help you in your career or know someone who can help you, make sure you exchange their contact information. Typically, people exchange their business cards, but you can also add them on LinkedIn.


After the event, send an email or a LinkedIn message thanking them for their acquaintance. Let them know that you are looking forward to establishing a professional relationship with them.

Suppose you are interested in an administrative or executive assistant career. In that case, executive search companies can help you prepare for interviews and help you get hired successfully at some of the best companies.

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Executive Assistant

How to Effectively Onboard Your New Executive Assistant

By Executive Assistant

Whether you have just found your executive assistant (EA) or are looking for one, onboarding is an essential step in the post-hiring process. Preparation will ensure the process goes smoothly, not just for your EA but also for you.

Being a CEO, your executive assistant will be tasked to take care of all the administrative and executive tasks, such as scheduling calendar meetings, responding to emails, collaborating with different teams, booking flights, and more. Before onboarding, it is vital to equip them with all the tools necessary to carry out their job efficiently.

We have created this guide to help you, a CEO or a leader, successfully onboard your executive assistant. Let’s get started!

Prepare the Paperwork

Before the onboarding begins, you want to make sure all relevant paperwork is complete. Make sure HR has all the required forms. Touch base with HR to ensure the employee is ready to be onboarded. Some example documents include:

  • Offer letter
  • Job title and description
  • Hiring forms (e.g. W2, I-9, etc.)
  • Tax form
  • Direct deposit details
  • NDA

Contact the IT department

Get in touch with IT to ensure the employee’s badge is ready and has access to the building and required rooms. Also, check if their email address is set up and have access to all the essential folders/files. IT should also set up their workstation with the necessary equipment.

Executive assistants typically use software and applications like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, Google Meet, TravelPerk, Slack, Smart Receipts, Asana, SnagIt, and more. IT should provide them access to the tools and resources needed to get the job done efficiently.

Prepare the Workstation (If on-site)

If your executive assistant is hired for an on-site role, their workstation should include everything they will need to operate. Some of the essentials include:

  • A desk, chair, lamp
  • Monitor, keyboard, mouse
  • Printer
  • Keys
  • Stationery items (sticky notes, notepad, stapler, pins)
  • Company merchandise (e.g. mug, glass, T-shirt)

Provide Access to Required Files and Folders

As the CEO or the leader, there are files and folders that only you have access to now. However, your executive assistant will need to use some of these files for their day-to-day tasks. When providing them access, remember to discuss confidentiality.

Are you thinking of hiring an executive assistant for yourself? Executive search firms can help you find dynamic and forward-thinking executive assistants who can effectively assist a team of leaders and CEOs in any domain or industry.

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Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant Interview Questions That Provide Real Insight

By Corporate Culture, Executive Assistant

Interviewing a candidate for a job is one of the most crucial steps in finding the right fit for your team or company. While you can’t find out everything about a candidate in an hour interview, there are certain questions that can give you a better insight into what the candidate is all about.

If you are a high-level official (C-suite) looking for an executive assistant to join your team, you know how important it is for the candidate to be the right fit.

We have compiled some interview questions that can help you better assess and filter your candidate so you can make an informed decision.

Technical Questions

Describe your computer skills. What software do you use to organize your tasks and improve productivity?

Skilled executive assistants can organize data in spreadsheets, schedule calendar meetings, and create well-written emails. Apart from Microsoft Office and Google WorkSpace, executive assistants are well-versed in many other softwares.

What process do you follow to book domestic and international travel?

As a CEO or a leader, traveling is an essential part of your business. The executive assistant you hire must be familiar with everything that travel entails, including keeping note of delays, cancellations, layovers, car booking, and more.

Describe a great executive assistant in 3 words.

Summarizing a whole role in 3 words can be tricky but the words they will choose can give you an insight into what they perceive the role to be.

Behavioral Questions

Tell me about a time you worked on projects with similar deadlines. How did you handle it?

This question is a good judge of how your candidate prioritizes tasks and handles pressure. As a CEO, schedules change pretty quickly and your ideal candidate is someone who can refocus and readjust according to the changing needs.

Give me an example of a time you had to solve a complex issue for an executive. Did you get any help?

While executive assistants are great at handling tasks on their own, they also need to collaborate with people on other teams to complete tasks. Therefore, people’s skills and team-building skills are also crucial to this role.

How do you handle conflict?

No workplace is free of problems. When dealing with different people in different departments, your executive assistant can come across difficult people or scenarios. A cool, calm, and, collected person knows how to handle conflict and avoid drama in the workspace.

Are you looking for a top executive assistant to manage your day-to-day tasks efficiently? We can help you find dynamic and well-rounded individuals for your team.

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Executive Assistant

How to Make Travel Plans for Your Boss

By Corporate Culture, Executive Assistant

Business travel is crucial to a business’s long-term success. Business travel brings in clients, opportunities, and helps a company expand its foothold. As an executive assistant, when your boss is traveling, the responsibility of taking care of all the travel-related logistics falls on your shoulders. From booking flights to reserving hotels— there are a lot of things that go into planning a streamlined travel itinerary for your boss.

In this article, we will cover some useful insight on how to effectively make travel plans for your boss.

Find out the budget

Every company has an allocated travel budget. Make sure you know how much can be spent on the trip. Businesses sometimes have partnerships with companies that offer travel at discounted prices— check if there is a better deal available.

Check travel requirements

Every country has specific requirements for visitors who are traveling for business or pleasure. Depending on which country your boss is traveling to, there may be certain travel requirements that he will have to consider. For example, does your boss need a visa to travel to that specific country? Does he need certain vaccinations? Keep such contingencies in mind and begin planning a few weeks in advance to cater to these requirements. Also, make sure your boss’ passport is on a date and has empty pages in case a visa is required.

Know your boss’ preference

Some bosses are particular about certain aspects of travel. For example, they may prefer an aisle seat over a window or want a digital boarding pass rather than a printed copy. Ask your boss what their preferences are and plan the trip accordingly.

Create an itinerary

Before travel, sit down with your boss and create a travel itinerary for the travel days. What will his schedule look like on day one? Who will he meet and at what time? Details such as getting into the shuttle and getting to the airport, to meeting an executive for lunch—everything should be listed down in the itinerary. This will give your boss a clear idea of what’s next and remove any confusion or miscommunication between you both.

Research the culture

With international travel, you need to keep certain things in mind. Every culture has norms, e.g. way of greeting, eating, or even tipping. Briefly update your boss on these details.

Account for the unexpected

Unexpected changes can happen during travel. Maybe your boss’ flight gets delayed. What should you do in that situation? If it’s an overnight delay, you would have to book a hotel for him. In another situation, their flight may reach earlier than expected, and you now have to coordinate the new time with the pickup service and the hotel staff. Always be prepared for the unexpected!

Working as an executive assistant can be challenging yet rewarding. If you are planning to further your career as an executive assistant, consider working with executive search firms that can place you at some of the top companies.

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Executive Assistant Recruiter

The Best Executive Assistants Have These Things in Common

By Corporate Culture, Executive Assistant

Executive assistants are the force majeure on every successful executive’s team. The EA serves in multiple roles, such as scheduler, gatekeeper, coordinator, strategic liaison, advisor, manager, and problem solver – all before lunch!

In addition to running the office, the great executive assistants support the busy executive with their days’ professional and social demands. The scheduling doesn’t stop there. They will make sure there’s also time for family obligations. Assistants are successful only when their executives meet their goals and responsibilities.

Suppose you’re an executive in today’s dynamic business world. You need an expert executive assistant to help you meet the demands of your role in the company while still maintaining a work-life balance.

What every outstanding executive assistant has in common

Are you ready to look for your EA? You may already have a checklist of characteristics and skills in mind. They could include anything from being bilingual to understanding zoning regulations for commercial buildings.

However, recruiters who screen candidates for EA roles have identified the traits required of top assistants. The best executive assistants are a combination of several characteristics.

When it’s time to hire an assistant for your executive office, look for:

  • Superb communication skills in speaking, writing, and listening. This includes posting on social media as appropriate, listening to team member concerns, and reporting potentially volatile situations.
  • Tech-forward thinking that includes a willingness to recommend and use new technologies.
  • Vast networking capabilities because an EA won’t know everything, but they always know someone who does. It’s one of their secrets in getting so much accomplished.
  • A sense of professionalism that mirrors your corporate culture. Your EA will be ready to meet and greet stakeholders, lead a meeting, or conduct an interview at a moment’s notice.
  • An ability to handle stress in any situation. Meeting tight deadlines, coordinating travel itineraries and making sure you’ve signed your kids’ field trip permission slips are all part of a day’s work.
  • The person who will best represent and sell your brand. You can count on your EA to represent you and your company the way you do.
  • Collaborative skills include involving a variety of stakeholders in tasks. Great EAs rely on teams to make their magic happen, and the person in this position knows how to delegate for maximum efficiency.
  • Someone with sharp anticipation skills. Every EA’s superpower is its ability to anticipate your needs before you even articulate them.

Finally, confidentiality is critical when hiring for the role that will support your work. Executive assistants keep delicate information a secret. Your EA will be loyal and discreet, much the way we recruit candidates for your executive assistant position.

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Executive Assistant

Your Executive Assistant Interview: Questions the CEO Must Avoid Asking Support Staff

By Executive Assistant

Legal restrictions prevent CEOs from asking support staff possibly biased questions in interviews. That’s a good thing!

When interviewing support staff, avoid asking questions like these:

  • How many children do you have?
  • What church do you go to?
  • When are you planning to retire?

Some questions are better left unasked out of respect for the candidate. Avoid asking any of these questions:

  • Do you have to wear that scarf on your head?
  • Why are your clothes so dated?
  • Is that your natural hair color?

Instead, try asking open-ended questions based on work-related scenarios.

 Questions the CEO CAN ask support staff in an interview

It can seem like there are a lot of questions you can’t ask in an interview. Rather than focus on what you can’t do, try these more positive questions that reveal behavior:

  • Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?
  • This job sometimes requires working after 5 pm or on weekends. Often, tasks like making reservations or scheduling meetings can be done from anywhere. Could you commit to working like this?
  • What prior experience do you have that would be useful in a job like this one?
  • Tell about a time when a challenge prevented you from completing a critical task.

Applicants can use the STAR method for answering questions: explain the situation, task, action, result. For example:

  • SITUATION: Two days before a major holiday, our company held a quarterly board meeting at a retreat. Weather forecasters predicted severely inclement weather – the kind that could cause significant travel delays.
  • TASK: My job required that I secure travel arrangements home for board members and the C-Suite. Most of them were flying.
  • ACTION: I worked with the other executive assistants to create several backup arrangements, including car rentals and chartered grand transportation. We also secured hotel reservations, just in case. Then we made “survival bags” consisting of bottled water, snacks, and a few other necessities for each person.
  • RESULT: As it turned out, air travel was canceled for only a few hours, so everyone made it home safely. The survival bags were a big hit!

Open-ended behavioral questions allow candidates to respond in more detail, especially when using a template like STAR.

About the vaccine

Applicants are curious about vaccine requirements for work. Some candidates may find that the provision gives them peace of mind, while others may decide they cannot comply for various reasons.

No current laws prevent you from asking about someone’s vaccination status. Still, it’s better to let your HR department explain your company’s requirements. The applicant can then decide if they can agree to the condition or are better off finding work elsewhere.

Need help figuring out the questioning process? Your recruiter can help by vetting the candidates you interview. If you are the candidate, the recruiter can help you prepare for questions.

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Executive Assistant

Executive Assistants Are Vital for Growing Start-Ups

By Executive Assistant

Entrepreneurs growing a start-up find that one critical staff position is crucial to early success: the executive assistant.

Some CEOs balk at the idea of hiring an assistant right out of the gate. They want to avoid appearing too pampered, too self-centered, too corporate. Start-ups, after all, are supposed to be independent, aggressive, and robust. Why would the CEO want to delegate any responsibility to an executive assistant?

The real question is, why wouldn’t the CEO delegate to an executive assistant?

Every CEO Must Have an Executive Assistant

The most important reason to hire an executive assistant for your start-up is to give you the time to focus on the business matters that only you can handle. Your start-up is your vision, and you already devote most of your waking hours to its success.

The executive assistant is your chief of staff, the person who will take care of all the tasks you don’t have time for. If you have the financial capacity to bring one employee onboard, hire the staff position that will grow with your company and help develop your vision.

The Many Chiefs of Staff Duties

An executive assistant (EA) is invaluable to your success because of three critical skills:

  • Prioritization: An EA will prioritize workload, meetings, and who will be allowed to interrupt your work. Probably no one, including your mother-in-law, will get past your EA gatekeeper.
  • Organization: Count on your EA to know where to find everything, from your accounting documents to local zucchini lasagna that melts in your mouth. Your EA can even tell you where the latest version of your pitch deck is filed.
  • Communication: Well-known for their communication skills, EAs will initiate conversations via email, phone, and virtual meeting software. They’ll also make sure you have the words you need for expressing ideas. The EA hires copywriters and speechmakers.

You’ll find that your EA can meet demanding deadlines, handle impossible tasks with grace, and apply emotional intelligence in situations that would unnerve 5-star generals.

Eventually, your executive assistant will become your chief of staff, overseeing other assistants’ work in the workspace you created.

Hiring the Executive Assistant for Your C-Suite

Once you hire your c-suite, the executive assistant becomes your center of operations, often handling multiple roles simultaneously.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, including start-up entrepreneurs. How you use these hours is up to you.

Hiring an executive assistant can give you the additional hours you need. With an EA onboard, you can build your business, practice work-life balance, or even catch on your sleep at night.

To make even better use of your time, turn to an executive assistant recruiter who can help you find the right person to make that happen.

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CEO support

Executive Assistant Salaries Have Skyrocketed Since Pandemic

By Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant salaries are often money well spent in any company. This position supports the role of the executive, serving as the company’s senior management liaison for communication and planning.

Since COVID-19 erupted worldwide, executives have become even more reliant on the one hero or heroine that holds it all together during global panic: their executive assistant.

As a result, EA salaries have been on the increase.

Skills for the job 

EAs are experts with technology, whether they coordinate electronic meetings and calendars or keep up with messages in software apps like One Note and Telegram.

Other duties include:

  • Initiating and responding to communication
  • Taking notes
  • Conducting research
  • Planning events
  • Preparing reports, data, and meeting materials
  • Coordinating travel on the ground, in the air, and by sea
  • Training assistants and support staff
  • Maintaining office supply inventories

Since the pandemic, many EAs have redefined their roles by spearheading new initiatives. For example, executive assistant Ratna Sreerangam asked his travel industry CEO for permission to assist customers needing airline refunds. With no other travel permitted during the pandemic, a strategy like this can keep a business afloat until flying is once again permitted.

Executive assistant preparation and training

Most training takes place on the job, but an EA will have to meet foundational requirements, such as having a high-school diploma. In some fields, having a bachelor’s degree might complement the executive office needs. A law office might require that a senior EA have a law degree. Similarly, a construction firm might favor EA candidates with a degree in construction sciences.

The EA might also earn software proficiencies and have certificates verifying their competency. They may also take advantage of other professional development opportunities that will help them excel in their jobs.

Executive Assistant salaries 

With excellent job and communication skills, a versatile EA can earn a good salary.

Industry and location can play a significant role in salary. For example, the average annual EA salary is $53,199. At Walmart, EAs average $75,865, but the same job pays $101,073 at Paramount Pictures.

You may have heard that, despite the salary increases, there are fewer EA positions available. Positions are down by 4% and are expected to decrease more. Still, top-notch EAs are more in demand than ever because many senior executives share executive assistants – especially those who take the initiative and redefine their roles.

Now is the time to reach out to hire the executive assistant that will help you be more successful.

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